A Visit to Whidbey Island

Hi readers today I will be telling you about my visit to Whidbey Island. It was a nice sunny morning on July 26th, 2024, and I was super excited to go to Whidbey Island, but first I had to go to my swimming class at Redmond Pool. After my swimming class I quickly had breakfast and helped my dad get the car ready for the trip. We were going with another friend's family. Then we left for our meeting point which was a place called Avon Villa. After they came we decided our next halt. Then we got in our cars and left for this place called Deception pass An hours' drive later, we arrived at the lake we saw people fishing. We enjoyed a small game of soccer at this big field and then we decided to head for Fort Casey . Then an hour later we pulled into Fort Casey. But before we could go explore the fort, we needed to have our picnic. For our picnic we had pasta and some sandwiches with cherries for dessert. It was a hot summer afternoon, so we decided to try ...