cap seller and the monkeys

 Once a man named Jack was going to sell caps in Hyderabad, India. He was going from Goa; it was a total of 4 hours journey. After he had walked for 3hours with stops at rest areas when he was just 40 minutes away from Hyderabad he stopped to rest under a tree, and he soon fell asleep. Then some monkeys which were playing in the tree which the cap seller was sleeping under saw the basket and they curiously approached the basket. Then one of the monkeys opened the lid and saw 9 caps and the monkeys playfully took all the caps from the basket and started making a racket. Jack woke up and saw the basket which held caps was empty. He was shocked, when he looked up, he saw that the monkeys were wearing the caps. They were dancing in the tree. He tried to get the caps by giving the monkeys bananas but that did not work.

After a few more attempts of getting the caps from the monkeys he threw the cap he was wearing on the ground in anger and the monkeys also threw the caps they were wearing on the ground. The cap seller happily picked up the caps and put them in the basket. As he was just about to leave, he saw that the monkeys looked upset, and he felt bad about those poor monkeys then he had an idea he took all the bananas he had from his bag and put them on the ground near the monkeys and the monkeys happily took and ate the bananas. He then continued to Hyderabad.   

                                                     The end     


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