AeroMexico Connect flight 2431

July 31, 2018, AeroMexico connect flight 2431 is departing for Mexico City from Durango Mexico. There are a total of 103 passengers and 4 crew. The flight is commanded by captain Carlos-Galvan-Meyran along with first officer Daniel-Dardon-Chavez and flight engineer Jose-Ramon-Vazquez. The plane is an Embraer 190AR.

The plane fueled up, but it got delayed because the co-pilot had spotted a fuel leak in Engine number 1, then he called the maintenance crew to fix it. After they were done fixing the leak the plane taxied to the runway. As the plane was taxing to the runway it started to rain. Then when the plane took off from the runway it started to stall then it started losing altitude and slammed into the runway. The two-engines broke of, and the plane skidded of the runway and into a grassy field. Soon the back of the plane burst into flames. As the people panicked the flight crew opened the emergency doors and passengers began to jump out. Meanwhile the control tower contacted the fire department and the ambulances and fire trucks arrived. Astonishingly all 103 passengers and 4 crew members survived the crash.

Then investigations started a day after the crash and the cause was a microburst. A microburst is like a storm but when you fly into it, the air pushes the airplane down causing it to crash. In this event the plane lifted off in heavy rain and in a storm, and that's why the plane slammed into the runway.

In conclusion aircrafts should not fly into microbursts because that can lead the plane into a crash. 
                                                                 THE END 



  1. Well written, Kritarth. I learnt a new thing "microburst" today through your blog. Can you tell us more about microbursts and how to identify these so that the pilots do not make the mistake of flying into microbursts.


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