Lauda air flight 004

26 May 1991 Lauda air flight 004 is departing to Vienna Austria from Bangkok Thailand. Their are a total of 213 passengers and 10 crew. The captain is Thomas-J-Welch and first officer Josef-Thurner. The plane fills up the fuel and lift off to its 12 hour flight to Vienna. The flight attendants serve meals in the cockpit. Everything is normal, just then a warning fills the cockpit that a reverse thruster is about to be activated.

The pilots try to understand what is going on just then the plane banks sharply to the left and the plane starts to fall out of the sky. In the back of the cabin the tail and half of the cabin breaks apart. Both the wings just explode into flames and the plane crashes into a jungle in Thailand. Some people on the ground see the plane going down. No one survived .

Investigators started investigating what caused the crash and a man named  Niki Lauda the person who founded Lauda air also helped in the investigation. They started to search for the engine and were shocked to see that the left engines reverse thruster was activated. They found the black box. The black box tells what is happing in the cockpit. It told them that one of the pilots had accidentally activated the reverse thruster. 

In conclusion when the 767 went to service the people tested whether the plane can fly with the reverse thruster on. The answer was yes, it would lose a small amount of control, but in Lauda air flight 4's crash it showed that it can not fly with a reverse thruster on.    


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