Air France flight 447

1 June 2009 Air France flight 447 is departing to Paris from Brazil. There are a total of 216 passengers and 12 crew. The captain is Marc-Dubois and First officer David-Robert and flight Engineer Pierre-Cedrick-Bonin. The plane fueled up and took off. As the plane flew over the Atlantic Ocean it was very cold outside.

In the cockpit the captain turns on the autopilot but outside pitot tubes that keep the autopilot running smoothly got iced and turned the autopilot off automatically. The pilot noticed this and tried to turn the autopilot on again, but it did not work instead the plane started to go up then it immediately started to fall out of the sky.

 The pilot tried desperately to try to get the plane level, but it did not work the plane crashed right into the Atlantic Ocean. No one survived the crash.

As coast guard people pull up the wreckage the investigators begin the investigation of why the plane crashed. The plane crashed because of the cold weather outside iced the pitot tube causing it to stop the autopilot. In conclusion the people started to design pitot tubes that would not get iced this prevented more stalls.



  1. Kritarth, superb; a very good attempt. Sentences are beautifully arranged. Paragraphs well arranged.
    Josisir, Kerala, India


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