Continental Airlines flight 1404

December 20 2008 continental airlines flight 1404 is departing to Houston Texas from Denver. There are a total of 110 passengers. The pilots are David butler and first officer Chad-Levang. They are flying a Boeing 737-524 plane to Huston Texas. The passengers boarded and the plane went to the runway at 6:18 pm. The plane started going forward. It was going to be a normal takeoff but when the plane is reaching the take-off speed, then the plane starts veering left. Then the plane wildly speeds off the runway and goes on the dirt. The pilot is trying to get the plane on the runway but fails. The plane is unstoppable. Passengers are falling to the left but still strapped to their seats. Captain David butler says pull up but they can not pull up. Pieces of Luggage are falling out of their compartment. Then the plane makes a jump on a small hill and smashes onto the ground. Then the landing gears come out. The plane is still going then the engine on the left side come...